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أسطورة الحب

Love legend

139 SEK
Love legend Our book here refutes the idea that love is a myth that does not exist in the world of people, emphasizing that our real problems lie in our...
لن تستطيع معي صبراً

You won't be able to be patient with me

119 SEK
You won't be able to be patient with me You Can't Be Patient With Me by Karim El Shazly... El Shazly says in the introduction to his book, which came...
إلى حبيبين

To two lovers

129 SEK
To two lovers Is it possible for one of us to control his emotional life and push it towards the better? This is what the best-selling book "To Two Lovers"...
How many lives will you live?

How many lives will you live?

99 SEK
How many lives will you live? How many lives will you live? By Karim El Shazly... A question that carries as much innocence as it does malice! If Satan were...

The greatest

179 SEK
The greatest The Greatest - The Story of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, written by Karim El Shazly... I decided to tell you about...
لغات الحب

Love Languages

129 SEK
Love Languages Love has many languages ​​through which it expresses itself and says a lot... and a lot. In the beginning, romance ranks first in the love languages. The red...
ما لم يخبرني به أبي عن الحياة

What my father didn't tell me about life

119 SEK
What my father didn't tell me about life What my father didn't tell me about life! Written by Karim El Shazly... A look at the lessons life taught me, a...
امرأة من طراز خاص ج2

A Woman of a Special Kind Part 2

99 SEK
A Woman of a Special Kind Part 2 A Woman of a Special Kind, Part 2, by Karim El Shazly... "If you hear a voice inside you saying: You are...
امرأة من طراز خاص ج1

A Woman of a Special Kind Part 1

129 SEK
A Woman of a Special Kind Part 1 A Woman of a Special Kind, Part 1, by Karim El Shazly... A book that addresses ambitious women, through its review of...
التربية بذكاء

Parenting smartly

99 SEK
Parenting smartly Intelligent Parenting by Karim El Shazly... The book contains 16 educational rules that enlighten educators about children's behavioral problems and contribute to putting them on the right track...
اصنع لنفسك ماركة

Make yourself a brand

119 SEK
Make yourself a brand Make Your Own Brand by Karim El Shazly... This book is not trying to make you a super person, it simply tells you that a large...
أفكار صغيرة لحياة كبيرة

Small thoughts for a big life

129 SEK
Small thoughts for a big life Small Ideas for a Great Life by Karim El Shazly... Every change that changed the course of human history, returned it to its right...