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Make yourself a brand

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Make Your Own Brand by Karim El Shazly... This book is not trying to make you a super person, it simply tells you that a large part of your distinction in life is based on your ability to make people play in your favor. There are no special secrets, it is about those rules that we ignore as we go through life, including:
  • People judge us by emotion and then go on to confirm this judgment with reason and logic.
  • We judge people by their behavior, while we judge ourselves by our intentions.
  • Every person on the face of the earth sees his problems as the most difficult, that he deserves all the pity, and that his joy is the joy of the entire world.
  • Winning hearts is much more important than winning positions.
  • Conflict is not a problem, the real problem is in dealing incorrectly with life's conflicts.

Making a brand for yourself simply means starting your journey to carve your name into the record of greats, and the first step on this path is to start weaving your network of social relationships on the basis of awareness and intelligence. Your social relationships are not something secondary, they are not a cherry on the cake. Rather, they are the basic component, and the foundation upon which you build your success in life.

Keywords: Dar Al-Rumooj Al-Arabiya, Karim Al-Shazly

Additional information

Dimensions: 200 mm * 140 mm

Number of pages: 200

Number of parts:

Language: Arab

Binding: Paperback

Written/Prepared by:

  • Karim El Shazly

Publication Year: 2023


  • House of Arabic Symbols