How many lives will you live?
How many lives will you live? By Karim El Shazly... A question that carries as much innocence as it does malice! If Satan were to tempt the children of Adam with one phrase, it would be this phrase. With it, he would open the gate of lust for them, and plant in their hearts the seed of greed, selfishness, and self-love. And why not, when he emphasizes that you will live only one life, and it must not be wasted, and you must attain in it as much pleasure as you are destined to attain, otherwise the story will end with you - its hero - suffering from deprivation!
It is the same question that will make you think about your whole life, that life that represents only the first part of the story and not the whole story, the life that you will live, to plant in it what you will reap on the day when the trumpet is blown, and we will all be in the hands of the One who does not wrong by the weight of an atom.
I do not deny that difficulties may confuse our minds for some time, and that someone who puts his hand in water is not like someone who puts his hand in fire, but what I am certain of is that all of us had our hands in fire one day!
We stood suffering, in pain, and enduring the difficulty of life and the harshness of the days... I, you, him, and she... We received a blow or more that left a wound in our souls... But I still affirm that it is one of the lessons of the days... It is the experience that will make us more calm in the coming stage.
One life.. one experience.. one story.. this is your life.. so do in it and from it what makes you.. a great person
Keywords: Dar Al-Rumooj Al-Arabiya, Karim Al-Shazly
*Number of pages: 99
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: Paperback
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: 2023