You won't be able to be patient with me
You Can't Be Patient With Me by Karim El Shazly... El Shazly says in the introduction to his book, which came under the title "Good Morning": "They say that a sleeper cannot wake up a sleeper, he must wake up first, with the commotion his waking up will cause that will disturb the sleepers, he alone will realize that it is late, and that their sleep has become dangerous."
Al-Shazly adds: “Sleepers lose their feelings and awareness, and become disconnected from what is happening around them. Here, the person who wakes up must shake them gently or violently. Their resistance to him is what will determine what he must do.”
He continues: “And if it is very late, he should not do his task after he has finished dressing up and getting ready. He should start shouting even if he himself is still in a state of flux. He should not get angry at their anger at him, nor care about their criticism of his lack of balance. There is something more important than the idea of turning away and accusing the other of not appreciating what he is doing.”
Keywords: Dar Al-Rumooj Al-Arabiya, Karim Al-Shazly
*Number of pages: 152
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: Paperback
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: 2023