Children's books and stories

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365 قصة

365 stories

249 SEK
365 stories This book is a new experience in children's literature, as it includes 365 short stories distributed throughout the months and days of the year. The mother can read...
حكايات خالدة

Immortal tales

299 SEK
Immortal tales 16 Great Stories for All Ages Keywords: Dar Rabie Publishing
الأرنب وأصدقائه 1

Stories and Adventures of the Rabbit and His Friends (4 Books)

199 SEK99 SEK
Stories and Adventures of the Rabbit and His Friends (4 Books) This series of stories has been popular and well received all over the world, with its author, Helen Beatrix...
الأرنب وأصدقائه 2

Rabbit and his friends 2

89 SEK49 SEK
Rabbit and his friends 2 This series of stories has been popular and well received all over the world, with its author, Helen Beatrix Potter, using a skillful writing and...
بر الوالدين

Tales and drawings of honoring parents (10 books)

299 SEK
Tales and drawings of honoring parents (10 books) These stories encourage children to be dutiful to their parents in a fun, enjoyable and creative way. They also provide parents and...
غرس القيم الجزء الأول

Stories of instilling values ​​at home, kindergarten and school (Part One)

179 SEK
Stories of instilling values ​​at home, kindergarten and school (Part One) How beautiful it is to get away from the noise of TV, YouTube clips and Facebook chats, to sit...
غرس القيم الجزء الثاني

Stories of instilling values ​​at home, kindergarten and school (Part Two)

179 SEK
Stories of instilling values ​​at home, kindergarten and school (Part Two) How beautiful it is to get away from the noise of TV, YouTube clips and Facebook chats, to sit...
حروف الهجاء مع الأنبياء

Tales of the alphabet with the prophets

99 SEK
Tales of the alphabet with the prophets In this book, we present with each story an educational value and a practical idea, so that it leaves a faith and educational...
حروف الهجاء مع الصحابة

Alphabet stories with the companions

99 SEK
Alphabet stories with the companions How wonderful it is for a child to begin his educational journey by learning about the companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and...
يا جدتي لماذا نصلي

Grandma why do we pray

99 SEK
Grandma why do we pray Happy childhood with faith Childhood cannot be happy unless the correct belief is instilled. The fundamentals of the correct Islamic belief are: belief in God,...
يا جدتي لماذا نحفظ القرآن

Grandma, why do we memorize the Quran?

99 SEK
Grandma, why do we memorize the Quran? Happy childhood with faith Childhood cannot be happy unless the correct belief is instilled. The fundamentals of the correct Islamic belief are: belief...
يا جدتي لماذا نتعلم

Grandma why do we learn

99 SEK
Grandma why do we learn Happy childhood with faith Childhood cannot be happy unless the correct belief is instilled. The fundamentals of the correct Islamic belief are: belief in God,...