Alphabet stories with the companions
How wonderful it is for a child to begin his educational journey by learning about the companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, through beautiful stories that suit his mind and inclinations. When a child loves the stories of the companions that are related to the letters of the alphabet, he will love learning. The stories of the companions also have many beautiful educational effects. Through these stories, the child will learn how to emulate the companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, in a way that suits his age and abilities. Every child will feel that he loves a companion - or more - in particular, because it suits his areas of distinction, inclinations and abilities. In these stories, we tell the beautiful situations of the companions with the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, so that the child learns about an aspect of the Prophet’s morals, mercy, generosity and patience. The child will not finish listening to the twenty-eight stories until the love of the Prophet and his noble companions takes root in his heart, and this is a great educational benefit.
Dear educator:
We offer this project to parents and teachers, to apply it with children at home and in kindergarten. With each letter, we choose a simple word related to the child’s life. Through this word, we offer the child three things: a story about one of the companions in whose life situations this word was mentioned. After the story, we offer an educational question that opens the door to dialogue with the child. With the question, there is a practical idea that parents and teachers apply with the children.
Keywords: Dr. Abdullah Mohammed Abdel-Moati, Ebsar Center, Ebsar Center
*Number of pages: 64
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: Paperback
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