Human development and skills

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How to make a creative child in a year

199 SEK
How to make a creative child in a year How to Make a Creative Child in a Year by Abdullah Muhammad Abdul-Mut’i is an educational book that provides practical steps...
حسد الأبناء

Children's envy

179 SEK
Children's envy Envy of Children by Abdullah Muhammad Abdul-Mut’i is an educational book that sheds light on the issue of envy among children, whether within the family or in their...
500 طريقة تجعل أبنائك يعشقون الصلاة

500 Ways to Make Your Children Love Prayer

199 SEK
500 Ways to Make Your Children Love Prayer 500 Ways to Make Your Children Love Prayer is an educational book by Abdullah Muhammad Abdul-Mut’i that provides 500 practical tips and...
قوة عقلك الباطن

The power of your subconscious mind

229 SEK
The power of your subconscious mind The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy ... This book is one of the best-selling self-help books of all time. This edition...
قوة العادات

The power of habits

299 SEK
The power of habits The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg ... This book explores the surprising scientific discoveries that explain why habits exist and how they can be changed....
لماذا يزداد الأثرياء ثراء

Why the rich get richer

299 SEK
Why the rich get richer Why the Rich Are Getting Richer - What is Financial Education Really? By Robert Kiyosaki ... What did you learn in school about money? For...
لغات الحب الخمس

The five love languages

199 SEK
The five love languages The Five Love Languages ​​by Gary Chapman ... He sends you flowers when what you really need is time to talk. She hugs you when what...
الذكاء العاطفي

Emotional intelligence

199 SEK
Emotional intelligence The book Emotional Intelligence by Jill Hasson consists of 206 pages; the main goal of the content of this book is to teach the individual emotional intelligence skills,...
فكر وازدد ثراء

Think and grow rich

199 SEK
Think and Grow Rich (Discover Your Magic Power to Become Rich) by Napoleon Hill... When this book was published in 1937, it was considered one of the greatest inspirational books...
صنع العادات كسر العادات

Making habits Breaking habits

199 SEK
Making habits Breaking habits Habit-Building Habit-Breaking by Jeremy Dean ... How long does it take to form a new habit? Imagine you want to go to the gym regularly, learn...
الرجال من المريخ والنساء من الزهرة

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

249 SEK
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by John Gray ... Based on years of successful counseling of individuals and couples,...
طفل المخ الكامل

full brain child

178 SEK
full brain child Revolutionary Strategies for Your Child's Brain Development 12 Revolutionary Strategies for Caring for the Developing Brain. This book by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson explores...