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Making habits Breaking habits

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Making habits Breaking habits

Habit-Building Habit-Breaking by Jeremy Dean ... How long does it take to form a new habit? Imagine you want to go to the gym regularly, learn a new language, make new friends, practice an instrument, or use your work time more productively. How long does it take before these things become part of your routine rather than something you have to force yourself to do? The unexpected answers are in this book, a psychologist's revealing examination of one of the brain's most powerful processes. Drawing on the latest research, Jeremy Dean explains how forming seemingly easy habits, such as eating an apple a day, can turn out to be so difficult, and how to take charge of your brain's autopilot to make any change stick. Smart, engaging, provocative, and practical, this book shows how behavior is more than just the product of what you think. It is possible to form habits according to your will—and become happier, more creative, and more productive.

Keywords: Jeremy Dean, Jarir Bookstore

Additional information

Dimensions: 205 mm * 145 mm

Number of pages: 274

Number of parts:

Language: Arab

Binding: normal

Written/Prepared by:

  • Jeremy Dean

Publication Year: 2022


  • Jarir Bookstore