Novels and stories

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الشيطان يحكي

The devil is talking

199 SEK
The devil is talking The Devil Tells by Ahmed Khaled Mustafa ... "It is not important that I welcome you, and it is not necessary that you receive me warmly,...
أنتيخريستوس - ج 2

Antichrist - Part 2

199 SEK
Antichrist - Part 2 Antichrist, Part 2, by Ahmed Khaled Mustafa... This book of mine will be banned in many corridors, and will stir up controversy wherever it goes, but...
أنتيخريستوس ج 1

Antichrist - Part 1

179 SEK
Antichrist - Part 1 Antichrist by Ahmed Khaled Mustafa ... We are finally alone .. you and I .. I am finally alone with you .. And I own you...
مطرقة الساحرات

witch hammer

199 SEK
witch hammer The Witches' Hammer by Ahmed Khaled Mustafa... This is the blackest thing written by a human hand... More than a quarter of a million women were its victims......
ملائك نصيبين

Angels of Nasibin

199 SEK
Angels of Nasibin Angels of Nasibin by Ahmed Khaled Mustafa... "And that in this world there are species that are not seen, souls that wander without a body... And that...
أرض السافلين

The land of the low

179 SEK
The land of the low The land of the lowly, written by Ahmed Khaled Mustafa... It is the land where you betray your wife, sell your country, and disbelieve in...
صاحب الظل الطويل

Long Shadow

179 SEK
Long Shadow The Pen of Jean Webster... Translated by Islam Ramadan A novel by American writer Jean Webster. The story revolves around an orphan girl named Judy Abbott, who gets...
هذه سبيلي

This is my way

299 SEK
This is my way This is My Path book by Ayman Al-Atoum.. I believe that I was born with a version that is completely different from the version I became!!...
ساحر أو مجنون

Magician or madman

229 SEK
Magician or madman A Magician or a Madman novel by Ayman Al-Atoum.. My life did not belong to this universe, and my biography is unlike any other biography. My father...
نبوءات الجائعين

Prophecies of the Hungry

119 SEK
Prophecies of the Hungry The book of the Hungry Prophecies, written by Ayman Al-Atoum.. I will say to the prison that has imprisoned me, tighten your bonds, do not release...
قلبي عليك حبيبتي

My heart is with you, my love

99 SEK
My heart is with you, my love The book “My Heart is on You, My Love” by Ayman Al-Atoum. The poet describes his collection of poems as “combining philosophical Sufism,...
تأملات قصيرة جداً

Very short reflections

99 SEK
Very short reflections Very short reflections by Adham Sharqawi... who wrote the letter, put it in a bottle, and then deposited it in the sea, knew that the sea does...