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بر الوالدين

Tales and drawings of honoring parents (10 books)

299 SEK
Tales and drawings of honoring parents (10 books) These stories encourage children to be dutiful to their parents in a fun, enjoyable and creative way. They also provide parents and...
حي على الفلاح

Come to success

89 SEK
Come to success A realistic story book that carries the concepts and secrets of the farmer in a simple style, by people I know around me who lived life with...
على خطى الرسول

In the footsteps of the Messenger

199 SEK
In the footsteps of the Messenger This is because of the day of revelation, when I was not present to hold you close to my heart while you were trembling!...
وادي الذئاب المنسية : أرض زيكولا 3

Valley of the Forgotten Wolves: Land of Zikola 3

179 SEK
Valley of the Forgotten Wolves: Land of Zikola 3 In a land ruled by the Sky Witness, humans, wolves, and the cursed lived in peace for thousands of years before...
معجم صور الحروف

Integrated Foundation Series (5) - Dictionary of Letter Images

149 SEK
Integrated Foundation Series (5) - Dictionary of Letter Images In this book, we review the basic skills of reading and writing, and learn to read and write a wide range...
قواعد القراءة والكتابة

Integrated Foundation Series (4) - Reading and Writing Rules

119 SEK
Integrated Foundation Series (4) - Reading and Writing Rules In this book, we learn the rules of pronunciation and writing. We differentiate between the extended taa, the tied taa, and...
السكون والتنوين والشدة

Integrated Foundation Series (3) - Sukun, Tanween and Shadda

129 SEK
Integrated Foundation Series (3) - Sukun, Tanween and Shadda In this book, we learn how to pronounce the consonant letter, and we get to know the tanween and the difference...
الحركات والمدود

Integrated Foundation Series (2) - Movements and Extensions

119 SEK
Integrated Foundation Series (2) - Movements and Extensions In this book, we learn how to pronounce the three vowels, differentiate between the sounds of similar letters, and practice composing, reading,...
حروق الهجاء

Integrated Foundation Series (1) - Alphabet

119 SEK
Integrated Foundation Series (1) - Alphabet In this book, we learn the names, shapes, and states of the letters of the alphabet with correct pronunciation. We also learn the correct...
حي على الصلاة

Come to prayer

79 SEK
Come to prayer In this story, I recall the special moments of my life that accompanied me on my path to commitment to prayer. Citing verses and hadiths that I...
الأرنب وأصدقائه 2

Rabbit and his friends 2

89 SEK49 SEK
Rabbit and his friends 2 This series of stories has been popular and well received all over the world, with its author, Helen Beatrix Potter, using a skillful writing and...
عقيدة التوحيد


299 SEK
Monotheism Keywords: -, Samira Al-Zaid