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الأرنب وأصدقائه 2

Rabbit and his friends 2

89 SEK49 SEK
Rabbit and his friends 2 This series of stories has been popular and well received all over the world, with its author, Helen Beatrix Potter, using a skillful writing and...
عقيدة التوحيد


299 SEK
Monotheism Keywords: -, Samira Al-Zaid
أفضل كورس إنجليزي من القناة رقم 1 في العالم (المستوى الثاني)

The best English course from the No. 1 channel in the world (Level 2)

299 SEK
The best English course from the No. 1 channel in the world (Level 2) In this book, Ibrahim Adel takes you by the hand step by step to master the...
أفضل كورس إنجليزي من القناة رقم 1 في العالم (المستوى الأول)

The best English course from the No. 1 channel in the world (Level 1)

299 SEK
The best English course from the No. 1 channel in the world (Level 1) In this book, Ibrahim Adel takes you by the hand step by step to master the...
مصحف ألوان الطيف - بصمة ذهب

Holy Quran - Colored edges - Gold print

199 SEK
Holy Quran - Colored edges - Gold print The Holy Qur’an in the Ottoman script, narrated by Hafs from Asim. Colored edges, size 17*24 cm, bio-bound, gold imprint Keywords: Dar...
تعلم تحسين الخط

Learn to improve handwriting

79 SEK
Learn to improve handwriting Ethical, educational, cognitive and social guidelines and instructions. How to write the letter at the beginning, middle and end of the word. Keywords: Curriculum Development Department,...
سلسلة التهيئة للمدرسة - Numbers

School Preparation Series - Numbers

89 SEK49 SEK
School Preparation Series - Numbers It combines two activities of coloring and writing preparation, which attracts children to it and achieves better learning for children. Keywords: Curriculum Development Department, Childhood...
سلسلة التهيئة للمدرسة - Alphapet

School Preparation Series - Alphapet

89 SEK49 SEK
School Preparation Series - Alphapet English alphabet book for children helps train the child to write English letters correctly with drawings for coloring Keywords: Curriculum Development Department, Childhood Curricula
أتعلم وألون الحروف العربية

I learn and color Arabic letters

89 SEK49 SEK
I learn and color Arabic letters It aims to teach the child at an early age the Arabic letters and their most famous meanings through a colouring activity that the...
كبسولات تربوية

Educational capsules

129 SEK
Educational capsules This book does not talk about academic theories and does not promise you an ideal life.. It will not take you by the hand to the ideal city.....
وصفات مجربات لتحصيل الخشوع في الصلاة

Proven recipes to achieve humility in prayer

129 SEK
Proven recipes to achieve humility in prayer This book is for those who yearn for their prayers to be a connection with their Creator and a closeness to their Maker,...
حكايات خالدة

Immortal tales

299 SEK
Immortal tales 16 Great Stories for All Ages Keywords: Dar Rabie Publishing