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رحلات عدنان في جسم الإنسان

Adnan's Journeys in the Human Body (7 Books)

199 SEK
Adnan's Journeys in the Human Body (7 Books) Your child's guide to discovering his body's systems and learning about the miracles of the Creator within it. (Suitable for ages 5-12)...
كروت أبيض وأسود

Black and white cards

99 SEK
Black and white cards Your child in the early stages of his life (the first 6 months) can only distinguish black and white, and then red, so we designed black...
موسوعة بذور

Seeds Encyclopedia

199 SEK
Seeds Encyclopedia A set of educational cards in all areas that your child is exposed to in the first 4 years. Seeds includes 79 cards in different fields, which are...
Tell me, mom (9 books)

Tell me, mom (9 books)

299 SEK
Tell me, mom (9 books) The set consists of 3 parts. Part One: Behavioral Stories 8 behavioral stories for children about the most important behaviors that we want to instill...
تعرف إلى بلادك عام 1950

Get to know your country in 1950

99 SEK
Get to know your country in 1950 Keywords: wide land, wide land, group of students
مصورات مخارج الحروف

Photographs of the exits of letters

349 SEK
Photographs of the exits of letters 22 illustrated letter articulation boards, size 33*48 cm Keywords: Dar Itqan for Publishing and Distribution, Dar Itqan for Publishing and Distribution, Ghada Al-Sayedah


129 SEK
Enas A novel and realistic events inspired by the reality lived by a thinker who has experienced life’s experiences, both good and bad. The writer narrates profound events about Samir,...
محاط بالمرضى النفسيين

surrounded by psychopaths

199 SEK
surrounded by psychopaths Simple Strategies for Dealing with Dangerous People. In his international bestseller Surrounded by Idiots, Thomas Erikson changed the way millions of people communicate and interact with each...
يا جدتي لماذا نمرض

Grandma, why do we get sick?

99 SEK
Grandma, why do we get sick? Happy childhood with faith Childhood cannot be happy unless the correct belief is instilled. The fundamentals of the correct Islamic belief are: belief in...
يا جدتي لماذا نتعلم

Grandma why do we learn

99 SEK
Grandma why do we learn Happy childhood with faith Childhood cannot be happy unless the correct belief is instilled. The fundamentals of the correct Islamic belief are: belief in God,...
غرس القيم الجزء الثاني

Stories of instilling values ​​at home, kindergarten and school (Part Two)

199 SEK
Stories of instilling values ​​at home, kindergarten and school (Part Two) How beautiful it is to get away from the noise of TV, YouTube clips and Facebook chats, to sit...
غرس القيم الجزء الأول

Stories of instilling values ​​at home, kindergarten and school (Part One)

199 SEK
Stories of instilling values ​​at home, kindergarten and school (Part One) How beautiful it is to get away from the noise of TV, YouTube clips and Facebook chats, to sit...