Review of the book Good Thought about God

مراجعة كتاب حسن الظن بالله
We learned from childhood how to fear God, but we forgot to learn to love Him!
In this book, Dr. Iyad Qunaibi takes us on a unique love journey, unlike the stories we know, because it concerns each individual individually, namely the love relationship between us and God.
The book falls under the category of books of contemplations, and is divided into three sections. The first, which is the largest, is a projection of some of the meanings of God’s names and attributes onto that relationship. The second section is a contemplation of God’s blessings that we have neglected, and the last section explains how to attach hearts to the afterlife.
The book begins by explaining how to be worthy of God's love, He introduces us to the way to balance between His love and fear of Him, and sheds light on the correct foundations of our relationship with Him, the Almighty, the Most High, a relationship that is without conditions from us and without rights upon Him.
He points out the blessing of affliction and the virtues it brings to us.
It teaches us how to trust in God’s destiny and wisdom that we are ignorant of, and how to protect ourselves from the trap of depression and self-flagellation.
He reminds us of the importance of patience and teaches us how to be patient, and through his reflections he embodies the meaning of belief in destiny, both good and bad.
It is one of the books that improves our relationship with God and teaches us how to feel His love for us in all our movements.


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