Youth in the Prophetic Era
Written by Munir Muhammad Al-Ghadhban
It deals with the biographies of young men who contributed to the creation of the Islamic state during the Prophet’s era, and who were the fuel for battles with the polytheists.
Young people who were able to give,
Islam unleashed their hidden energies and directed them towards jihad in the way of God, far from hypocrisy and reputation.
Young men seek glory by seeking heaven, not by singing the praises of the tribe’s glory and honor.
We were keen to present the most generous and influential of these models in the great process of building the Islamic state led by the Noble Messenger.
How much our youth today, in this construction phase, need such models from this generous generation, the generation of the youth of the noble prophetic era!
Keywords: Munir Muhammad Al-Ghadhban, Dar Al-Salam
*Number of pages: 368
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: Paperback
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: 2012