ذائقة الموت

Taste of death

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Taste of death

They will say: He loved a girl older than him, he needed her tenderness and affection, not her love and heart. So be it; I am scattered in the wind, I need someone to hold me close to her chest.

They will say: A madman who almost ends up in the street without a face. And so be it; did I have this face when I followed my father on the hills ascending to the summit of Ibn Jubayr??

They will say: Books made him lose his mind. Before them he had no heart, and after them he became mindless.

The books he read made him live in them and separated him from reality. He was no longer himself. So let it be. Show me someone who can say that he is himself!!

They will say: Her eyes destroyed him, while he was diving into them like a feather from a seagull’s wing swinging on the waves of the sea. So be it; was there a fate more beautiful for me than to drown in their sea??

They will say: It ripened before its time, and burned before its ripeness, and so be it; I live in love in tropical forests that do not recognize the seasons as a measure of ripeness,

It does not recognize heat as a means of combustion.

I burn within myself for myself, I die in order not to lose myself.

Keywords: Dar Al-Ma'rifah for Publishing and Distribution, Ayman Al-Atoum, Ayman Al-Atoum

Additional information

Dimensions: 210 mm * 140 mm

Number of pages: 416

Number of parts:

Language: Arab

Binding: Paperback

Written/Prepared by:

  • Ayman Al-Atoum

Publication Year: 2015


  • Dar Al Maarefa for Publishing and Distribution