قصص النبيين
قصص النبيين للأطفال

Stories of the Prophets for Youth

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Stories of the Prophets for Youth

This book is by Sheikh Abu Al-Hasan Al-Nadwi, and it contains a presentation of a group of stories of the prophets, peace be upon them, which were mentioned in the Book of God Almighty.

This is done in a way that suits our young children and instills in them influential faith-based truths.

Our author (may God have mercy on him) was keen in his book (Stories of the Prophets) to narrate the stories of the prophets with simplicity and liveliness that suits the liveliness and simplicity of the youth.

With these fun stories, engaging presentation and heart-touching style,

It fills a gap in the education of the new generation and enables them to benefit from it in their lives.

Keywords: Abu Al-Hassan Ali Al-Hasani Al-Nadwi, Abu Al-Hassan Ali Al-Hasani Al-Nadwi, Dar Al-Fajr Library

Additional information

Dimensions: 200 mm * 140 mm

Number of pages: 350

Number of parts:

Language: Arab

Binding: Paperback

Written/Prepared by:

  • Abu Al-Hassan Ali Al-Hasani Al-Nadwi

Publication Year: 2022


  • Dar Al Fajr Library