Seville Nights
The first thing my ears heard in this world was: Poor boy, he lost his mother and father in one day!
The midwife carried me, washed me, wrapped me in swaddling clothes, and held me in the embrace of a mother, promising herself, now that she was old, that I would be the last child born to her.
She looked at me for a long time, and then she said in my ear, then she began to wipe her hand over the features of my face and head and she said to the women who had gathered at the afflicted house: “He took his mother’s reddish whiteness, her broad forehead, and the blue of her eyes…”
The midwife took hold of my long fingers and predicted that I would be as tall as my father. She stroked my hair as she prayed for my father, the learned scholar with the flowing chestnut hair who had taken it upon himself to unite the Muslims and bring about reconciliation among them.
Keywords: Nardine Abu Nabaa, Nardine Abu Nabaa, Arabic Symbols Library
*Number of pages: 218
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: Paperback
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: 2023