سمير النفس وأنيس المحبين

Soulmate and lover's companion

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Soulmate and lover's companion

Love is a great human value that unites us and does not separate us. It is a garden from which everyone picks fragrant flowers for a better and purer life. It is the lamp of hearts illuminated by the meanings of truth and virtue. It is a throbbing pulse of overflowing feelings, and an abundance of sweet, clear giving that flows into honest hearts and flows in their pure channels, engraving on their carpet the decoration of ancient human art that surpasses the decoration of manual art, because it is the product of the tree of conscience, lush with its melodious pulses, and the product of the dewy drop of love that moisturizes the wrinkles of life and mends its dark cracks. Souls are intoxicated and sip from the clusters of joy sweetened with honey, and are nourished by the dates hanging from the cluster of the heart and from its tender, fruitful palm tree, so bodies are purified from their impurities and blemishes.

Keywords: Dr. Safio Al-Wadghiri, Al-Mazari Publishing and Distribution House

Additional information

Dimensions: 205 mm * 145 mm

Number of pages: 317

Number of parts:

Language: Arab

Binding: Paperback

Written/Prepared by:

  • Dr. Safio Al-Wadghiri

Publication Year: 2018


  • Al Mazri Publishing and Distribution House