العيش في الزمان الصعب

Living in hard times

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Living in hard times

This book is distinguished by its author, Dr. Abdul Karim Bakkar.

With the smoothness of style and simplicity,

And with a logical presentation, which always satisfies the reader’s mind.

Where he tried in this book

Changing the reader's perspective on difficult times;

Which many see as a time of weakness,

As a time when life becomes very difficult

Very demanding of accuracy.

He also explained the points that require greater attention from both sides.

Spiritual and mental.

Keywords: Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Bakkar, Dar Al-Qalam, Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Bakkar

Additional information

Dimensions: 245 mm * 170 mm

Number of pages: 382

Number of parts:

Language: Arab

Binding: normal

Written/Prepared by:

  • Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Bakkar

Publication Year: 2018


  • Dar Al Qalam