The leader educator (his leadership and administrative qualities and skills)
You will not reach and master the skill unless you understand it well and follow everything new in it until you excel in it. The more outlets and entrances the brain has to understand and apply the skill, such as the spirit, mind, feeling, hearing, sight, and smell, the greater the influence and impact.
Know that a correct understanding of a skill leads to its correct application and vice versa.
For the benefit, everyone who has mastered a skill or excelled in a science has gone through many failures. And whoever refrains from doing something because of fear of making a mistake will not learn and will not master his craft.
Keywords: Nabil Mohammed Al-Ahmar, Nabil Mohammed Al-Ahmar, Dar Wahi Al-Qalam
*Number of pages: 160
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: Paperback
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: 2016