اكتشافات جومي - الجزء الخاص بالطفل

Jomi's Discoveries - The Child's Part (5 Books)

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Jomi's Discoveries - The Child's Part (5 Books)

Information books:
It is a set of 5 books that represent your child’s introduction to different sciences and include information explained in a simple way, using real pictures that are attractive to the child, and relying on durable materials.

The collection includes the following books:
- Gomi and the animals.
- Gomi among the birds.
- Human body with Gumi.
- Gomi among nature.
- Think with Jomi - Reversals.

26 videos of different animal and bird sounds.

Keywords: Dina Ahmed, Dina Ahmed, 80 Fekra|Sidra Publishing and Distribution

Additional information

Dimensions: 160 mm * 160 mm

Number of pages: 58

Number of parts:

Language: Arab


Written/Prepared by:

  • Dina Ahmed

Publication Year:


  • 80 Fekra|Sidra Publishing and Distribution