In the footsteps of Abraham
How old are you, Ibrahim? Three migrations.. and years full of sacrifices.. and building a house for Allah.. and countless scenes of steadfastness! This is how ages are measured, my master.. by their depth, not their length! And many a lifespan has been extended, and its supplies have multiplied, and its clouds have rained until the Day of Judgment! Ibrahim.. you have built a house for Allah, so Allah has raised your remembrance and raised your status.
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, did not meet you except in the seventh heaven, with your back leaning against the Frequented House.
You alone, among all creatures, have possessed this great honor!
Keywords: Dr. Kifah Abu Hanoud, Dr. Kifah Abu Hanoud, Juice of Books
*Number of pages: 144
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: Paperback
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: 2022