My father taught me
When I was young, I felt that enormous distance and the vast pile of years between me and Adam, peace be upon him, to the point of feeling a sense of separation from his fatherhood. There was a faraway distance; knowledge, conscience, and longing, of which I had nothing in my memory except sin and decline, and in my heart there was nothing but a whispered reproach: Why did you expel us from Paradise..?! We could have been there.. To pick from Paradise what we wanted.. Not to bid farewell to a beloved, nor wave to a departed, nor hold mourning councils.. It was possible that those wars would not have happened, and that an infant would not have died in his mother’s arms, and that the sea would not have thrown up a corpse... nor that a building would collapse on a child, choking his voice and his crying.. It was possible that a girl would not have cried over betrayal, nor a poor person over poverty, nor a sick person over pain, nor a homeless person over a piece of cardboard.
Keywords: Islam Today Foundation, Islam Today Foundation, Salman Al-Awdah
*Number of pages: 313
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: Paperback
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: 2022