أضغاث أقلام

Dreams of pens

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Dreams of pens

Confusion by Adham Sharqawi... Do you know what gravity is, Newton? I'll tell you: An eighty-year-old man leaning on his cane and heading towards the voice: "Prayer is better than sleep"! Not everything that seems like a noble deed is actually one. The photographer who asks you to smile isn't worried about your happiness... All he cares about is the picture! ==== The devils can't invent new sins... They just watch what we do and then pass it on to others!

Keywords: House of Arab Symbols, Adham Sharqawi, Adham Sharqawi

Additional information

Dimensions: 205 mm * 145 mm

Number of pages: 96

Number of parts:

Language: Arab

Binding: normal

Written/Prepared by:

  • Adham Sharqawi

Publication Year: 2023


  • House of Arabic Symbols