Bosphorus breezes... breezes and thoughts
Walidat Al-Nisamat, written by second-year high school students, science department, Alam High School.
Time has passed quickly and the week has come and gone for us to meet again in a thought circle at the Viecos Knowledge Media Foundation once again so that we can study, exchange experiences, and interact to act, God willing, and in our quest to reach a clear vision with which we can embark on the path of knowledge and work.
The students chose a Breeze from the Bosphorus Breeze by Dr. Muhammad bin Musa Babaami, recently published on the website under the title: ((Brother, I await your answer)). After reading, analyzing, and consulting on the topic of the Breeze, which the doctor began with many questions about the nature and essence of the universe, the nature of man? The source of right and wrong? What are the most important sources he refers to in this regard?
We tried to answer it based on the answers of some great thinkers such as: Fethullah Gulen, Malek Bennabi, Al-Messiri... and others, but the subject became clear to us to be difficult, and we were unable to understand some of the analytical texts we found in this regard. So we chose the 26th Breeze entitled: ((The Domestic Worm and the One Who Philosophizes)), and the meaning of its idea is ((Philosophizing when it leads to destruction))... We moved on to the stage of analysis, expressing opinions, and discussion. The light of understanding and awareness became clear to us, and we strove to understand it, comprehend it more, and benefit from it as much as possible.
The session’s premises: Scientific activation, and striving towards maturity by transforming breezes into practical reference landmarks. The discussion yielded many questions and points, then developed to the point of merging Breeze 28 ((Brother, I am waiting for your answer)), and Breeze 26 ((The domesticated worm, and the one who philosophizes)). The doctor raised deep philosophical and intellectual questions that plant curiosity, passion, and confusion in the heart of each of us at the same time, and push us to try to answer and delve deeper to transform those answers into behavior and action...
Finally, we suggested some scientific materials such as books and videos to develop a sense of sound thinking and sound questioning...
These are thoughts and breezes born from the Bosphorus breezes of our doctor who is concerned about the condition of his nation. We hope that we will truly be a breeze in the scorching heat of the sun, and praise be to God, by whose grace good deeds are accomplished.
Keywords: Dar Wahi Al-Qalam, Dr. Muhammad Babaaami
*Number of pages: 72
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: Paperback
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: 2014