Beloved Son Project
Dr. Reda El Masry
“The Beloved Son Project” is one of a series of books by the writer “Reda Al-Masry” that aims to guide parents towards the correct scientific methods for raising their children in all stages of their growth so that they grow up healthy psychologically, socially and mentally.
In this book, the reader will find a set of educational rules that will help him raise his children in a healthy way.
These rules are a collection of experiences gathered from Arabic and foreign books. To facilitate the educator's process of dealing with children in a healthy way, avoiding psychological and nervous problems that arise from the process of poor upbringing. And to put parents on the right path to raising their children.
Keywords: Purposeful pens | Dar Al-Fadhila, Dr. Reda Al-Masry, Purposeful pens | Dar Al-Fadhila
*Number of pages: 248
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: technical
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: 2010