Tales of the alphabet with the Seal of the Prophets
The book displays the Arabic alphabet letters with a word and a picture on each letter on one page. On the opposite page there is a story from the prophetic stories about this word, and an authentic hadith in which the word is mentioned, in addition to an idea for how to present the word to the child or how to explain the hadith and apply it in practical life.
All the stories are from the Sahih books as well as the Hadiths. They are all presented in a good way that suits the child and the educator.
The book is a great introduction to connecting the child with the prophetic stories and the biography of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.
Keywords: Dr. Abdullah Mohammed Abdel-Moati, Ebsar Center, Ebsar Center
*Number of pages: 64
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: normal
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