Teaching Arabic

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اللغة العربية (التحضيري1 و2)

Arabic Language (Preparatory 1 and 2)

279 SEK
Arabic Language (Preparatory 1 and 2): Arabic Language (Preparatory 1 and 2): The Creative Reader curriculum is based on developmental and cognitive psychology and the theory of multiple intelligences, relying...
اللغة العربية (المستوى الأول 3 و 4)

Arabic Language (Level 1 3 & 4)

279 SEK
Arabic Language (Level 1 3 & 4): Arabic Language (Level 1, 3 and 4): The Creative Reader curriculum is based on developmental and cognitive psychology and the theory of multiple...
اللغة العربية - الطلاقة 2

Arabic Language - Fluency 2

140 SEK
Arabic Language - Fluency 2 It contains axes that contain various life topics. The texts take into account the gradual teaching of grammar and spelling in a simplified manner that...
اللغة العربية - الطلاقة 3

Arabic Language - Fluency 3

140 SEK
Arabic Language - Fluency 3 It contains axes that contain various life topics to complete fluency 2. The topics of the texts took into account the gradual teaching of grammar...
اللغة العربية - الحروف

Arabic language - letters

139 SEK119 SEK
Arabic language letters It contains the complete Arabic letters in a simplified form, accompanied by educational songs, stories and tools. Objectives: Learn Arabic letters, reading and writing, and words about...