The Messenger the Teacher and His Methods of Teaching
These lofty words and blessed hadiths were originally a public lecture. They were my response to a request from the administration of the College of Sharia and the College of Arabic Language in Riyadh.
I chose this topic for the lecture: (The Messenger the Teacher and His Methods of Teaching) because of its great connection to science, scientists, education and learners.
Then many additions and important complementary discussions were added to it. I extended some of the comments to fulfill the occasion. I summarized some of them, so it became a complete book.
I made sure that it would be easy for every reader and beneficial for every beneficiary and educated person.
It is of great importance as it relates to a very important aspect of the life of the Messenger, the teacher, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his honorable biography.
It is a book of guidance, education and instruction for both the teacher and the learner. Its subject is a unique and interesting subject. I do not know of anyone who has written about it before in this manner, and this long time has passed since its writing.
I divided it into two parts. The first part: is concerned with explaining the personality of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his noble self, and explaining his lofty virtues and wise actions.
The second part: to present his methods of education and the soundness of his guidance and directives, and to ensure that the noble hadiths contain, in addition to representation and explanation, clarity of educational and instructional guidance as well. They are selected, purposeful examples, and models that teach and guide under guiding titles, attributing each hadith to its source.
Keywords: Abdel Fattah Abu Ghuddah, Dar es Salaam, Abdel Fattah Abu Ghuddah
*Number of pages: 240
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: technical
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: 2016