The Biography of the Prophet (Lessons and Morals) by Dr. Mustafa al-Siba’i.
How beautiful it is to delve into the biography of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, as he was the trustworthy and upright young man before God honored him with the message!
His biography as the leader of the nation; how he protected it with his vigilance, sincerity and honesty.
He is a husband and father in tenderness of emotion and good treatment.
He is the guiding educator, who supervises the ideal upbringing of his companions, in which he transfers from his soul to their souls, making them shining stars in the world of humanity.
His biography is that of a brave warrior, a victorious leader, a successful politician, a loyal neighbor, and a sincere covenantor.
It is a comprehensive biography of all human aspects. How worthy it is for the beloved Mustafa to be before our eyes in every whisper and movement.
Keywords: Dr. Mustafa Al-Sibaei, Dar Al-Salam
*Number of pages: 112
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: Paperback
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: 2018