The Young Muslim Curriculum (7 parts):
This curriculum aims to raise children with a correct religious upbringing. It works to instill positive social values in their lives and behavior. This is done through the integration of curriculum topics of belief, biography, and morals.
Part 1: It contains an explanation of the pillars of Islam, through which the child learns the basics of his religion, and talks about the beautiful names of God, and how a Muslim worships his Lord.
It also talks about the biography of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, virtues, morals, remembrances, and advice for Muslims.
Part 2: It contains an explanation of the pillars of Islam. But more extensively, with mention of some stories of the prophets, and some etiquette such as the etiquette of sleeping and waking up, the etiquette of asking permission, the etiquette of hospitality, the etiquette of visiting the sick, the etiquette of the road, and other etiquette. At the end of the book there are some short surahs from the Holy Quran.
Part 3: It contains an explanation of the six pillars of faith and the pillars of Islam as well, mentioning the most important Sunnahs and duties in these acts of worship. It mentions a story from the stories of the prophets and informs us of the etiquette of the Muslim, the right of the Muslim over the Muslim, maintaining family ties, etc. At the end of the book there are some supplications and noble prophetic hadiths.
Part 4: It contains an explanation of how faith is, the existence of God Almighty, His attributes, and benevolence. It mentions the aspect of purification and its etiquette, how to pray in congregation and the prayer of one who has missed a prayer, and clarifies the types of zakat, the Sunnahs and disliked aspects of fasting, and mentions a story from the stories of the prophets and morals such as the character of truthfulness and honesty.
Part 5: It contains information about the messengers, prophets, angels, and some acts of worship such as dry ablution, wiping over socks, Friday prayer and its etiquette, the punishment for withholding zakat, and others. It also contains a story from the stories of the prophets.
Part 6: It contains evidence of the existence and oneness of God Almighty. The worship of beings to God, belief in the Last Day, and some acts of worship, such as purification, washing, ablution and its nullifiers, and some prayers such as the prayer of the sick, the traveler, the funeral, and others. It mentions in detail the zakat on trade goods, the zakat on crops and fruits, and explains the rituals of Hajj.
Part 7: It contains a story from the stories of the righteous prophets of God and the first of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs. It mentions some manners and virtues, such as jihad, modesty, good character, honesty, sincerity of intention, and others. It clarifies the virtues and explains the vocabulary of some Surahs of the Holy Quran from the beginning of Surah Al-Fajr to Surah At-Tariq.
Keywords: -, Ambassador
*Number of pages: 336
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: Paperback
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: 2014