Educational tools

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كيف تصبح رساما ماهرا (1)

How to become a skilled painter (1)

49 SEK
How to Become a Skilled Painter (1): Features of this book: 1- Explaining the drawing process through gradual steps. 2- Use illustrations that make it easier to draw the picture....
المهارات اليدوية – تمارين وتدريبات

Manual Skills - Exercises and Training

49 SEK
Manual Skills - Exercises and Training: One of the basics of modern education is the focus on refining the child's talents. Not only through the curriculum. But also through extracurricular...
حروفي العربية

My Arabic letters

199 SEK
My Arabic letters Interactive sensory book for children Age group: 3 - 6 years A cloth book containing cloth Arabic letters and pictures. The child chooses a picture and the...
الكتاب التفاعلي للأطفال - انكليزي

Interactive Book for Children - English

199 SEK
The interactive book for children - English is a fabric book that contains fabric English letters and pictures. The child chooses a picture and the letters that match it, and...
أشغال الحروف

Letter work

99 SEK
Letter Crafts: Fun times for our children when play and learning are combined using recycling, imagination and manual skills. This is our goal through this practical booklet, in which you...
بطاقات الحروف العربية

Arabic alphabet cards

79 SEK
Arabic alphabet cards: A set of colorful cards that help children learn Arabic letters in a fun and entertaining way. The cards are made of cardboard and are therefore suitable...
كتابي المجسم - الغابة

My 3D Book - The Forest

59 SEK
My 3D Book - The Jungle Suitable from 1 year to 5 years Three-dimensional stories introduce children to animals through three-dimensional pictures with attractive and fun colors. There are 3...
كتابي المجسم – المزرعة (2)

My 3D Book - The Farm (2)

59 SEK
My three-dimensional book - The Farm (2) is suitable for ages 1 to 5 years. Three-dimensional stories introduce children to animals through three-dimensional pictures with attractive and fun colors. There...
كتابي المجسم – المزرعة (1)

My 3D Book - The Farm (1)

59 SEK
My three-dimensional book - The Farm (1) is suitable for ages 1 to 5 years. Three-dimensional stories introduce children to animals through three-dimensional pictures with attractive and fun colors. There...
الأحرف الانكليزية المغناطيسية

Magnetic English Letters

499 SEK
Magnetic English letters: English magnetic letters made of foam material, the letters are large and suitable for schools and institutes. This tool helps children aged 3 to 12 years to:...
مسابقات الفقه والعقيدة

Jurisprudence and Creed Competitions

59 SEK49 SEK
Jurisprudence and Creed Competitions: Fifty cards for useful and enjoyable entertainment, including questions and answers from Islamic jurisprudence and creed. Keywords: Ayman Ahmed El Sayed, Guidance for Publishing and Distribution,...
مسابقات ألغاز متنوعة

Various puzzle competitions

59 SEK49 SEK
Various Puzzle Competitions: Fifty cards for useful and enjoyable entertainment, including various questions and puzzles. Keywords: Ayman Ahmed El Sayed, Irshad for Publishing and Distribution, Ayman Ahmed El Sayed, Irshad...