Educational tools

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الأشكال الهندسية

Geometric shapes

29 SEK
Geometric shapes: 9 ID cards, size 15*22 cm. Keywords: Dar Janat Al Atfal Publishing and Distribution, -, Dar Janat Al Atfal Publishing and Distribution
الحروف العربية - كتابي المجسم

Arabic letters - my three-dimensional book

79 SEK
Arabic letters my three-dimensional book Teaching Arabic letters in a fun and interesting way for children aged 3-5 years Keywords: Publishing team in childhood curricula, childhood curricula
سلسلة اكتب وامسح -المستوى الثاني- حركات الحروف

Write and Erase Series - Level 2 - Letter Movements

79 SEK
Write and Erase Series - Level 2 - Letter Movements It consists of a word and a picture that begins with the same letter. The child learns the Arabic letters...
الرعاية الذاتية - جملي وأنشطتي

Self Care - My Sentences and Activities

199 SEK
Self Care - My Sentences and Activities The purpose of this group: Helps the child understand and learn personal and self-care skills. Developing the child's vocabulary. Helps the child to...
بطاقات اكتب وامسح الحروف والكلمات العربية

Write and erase Arabic letters and words cards

119 SEK
Write and erase Arabic letters and words cards The box consists of 28 double-sided printed cards (56 cards). Through them, the child learns Arabic letters and words in a fun...
صندوق ألعاب الحيوانات المغناطيسية

Magnetic Animal Toy Box

149 SEK
Magnetic Animal Toy Box Age group: 3 - 8 years. Keywords: Dar Itqan for Publishing and Distribution, Dar Itqan for Publishing and Distribution
صندوق الفصول المغناطيسي

Magnetic classroom box

149 SEK119 SEK
Magnetic classroom box Age group: 3 - 8 years. Keywords: Dar Itqan for Publishing and Distribution, Dar Itqan for Publishing and Distribution
صندوق تعليم الأوقات المغناطيسي

Magnetic Times Teaching Box

149 SEK
Magnetic Times Teaching Box Age group: 3 - 8 years. Keywords: Dar Itqan for Publishing and Distribution, Dar Itqan for Publishing and Distribution
صندوق تلبيس الأزياء المغناطيسي

Magnetic Dress Up Box

149 SEK
Magnetic Dress Up Box Age group: 3 - 8 years. Keywords: Dar Itqan for Publishing and Distribution, Dar Itqan for Publishing and Distribution
سجادة الحروف العربية

Arabic letters carpet

149 SEK
Arabic letters carpet For children aged 3 and above (the product is not suitable for children under 3 years old because it contains letter dots which are small parts). Number...
بزل تعليم الوضوء

Ablution education puzzle

99 SEK79 SEK
Ablution education puzzle Wooden puzzle to teach children ablution in a fun way. Keywords: Kids Land
بزل تعليم الصلاة

Puzzle teaching prayer

99 SEK
Puzzle teaching prayer Wooden puzzle to teach children how to pray in a fun way. Keywords: Kids Land