Human development and skills

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The mask

179 SEK99 SEK
The mask God created you and placed in you His attributes according to your status... He made you all-hearing, all-seeing, strong, and merciful. The most honorable state of a person...

Writing and composition skills

179 SEK
Writing and composition skills Everything in life has a skill. Work has a skill... study has a skill... thinking has a skill... art has a skill... and writing - too...

Modify your children's behavior

149 SEK
Modify your children's behavior Thousands of situations and problems that we face daily with our children, in which we stand confused and thinking, what is the best action in this...

Your son is what you raise him to be

149 SEK99 SEK
Your son is what you raise him to be Your child is born a blank page, and you are the one who draws. He is born like potter's clay, and...

If your son grows up empty

149 SEK
If your son grows up empty The only person you truly want to outdo you, to be better than you, is your son, right? In order for this desire to...

Get rid of your lame excuses and get started.

199 SEK
Get rid of your lame excuses and get started. The challenges we face in this era have become fierce and strong.. The competitions of the era will never end and...

Why good morals?

199 SEK
Why good morals? Thus, this book was built on posing questions to reach our personal conviction of good morals, and to develop the internal moral authority in our souls, as...

How to build positive habits

129 SEK
How to build positive habits Construction talks are huge talks that are only suitable for you! You are the knight of the bet, the owner of the banner, and the...

start your life over

129 SEK
start your life over Persistence in the arena of excellence, overcoming obstacles on the road, and creating good omens in life require initiatives like you! I do not know, until...

Who am I?

99 SEK
Who am I? The book "Who Am I" aims to know the concept of self within the framework of ancient and modern philosophy and to develop and enhance talent. The...

How do you write a novel or short story?

179 SEK
How to write a novel or short story? It is not the first book that talks about the arts and skills of writing.. and it will not be the last!...

My companion in heaven

89 SEK
My companion in heaven A complete family is a distant dream for many. If you lost your mother, you certainly wish for her to be your companion in heaven. A...