Thoughts from Japan 3
This book contains, God willing, what may be useful to young people, fathers, mothers, educators, teachers, and government officials. It contains a flower from every garden about my experience in Japan, which changed my life for the better, praise be to God. It is an experience for which I thank God and which I will never forget as long as I live. I tried as much as possible in this book to convey this experience and these ideas to readers in the Arab world, so that we may advance.
I did not go to Japan to glorify or imitate, but to take from them everything useful. It has been said, “Wisdom is the lost property of the believer, so wherever he finds it, he has the most right to it.”
The Japanese have proven to me that humans can reach a wonderful level of cleanliness, respect, modesty and order. They have proven to me that our Islamic teachings are not impossible for humans. I walked the Japanese streets and saw many prophetic morals. They are in fact morals that all philosophers, thinkers, prophets and reformers have agreed upon.
Everyone agrees that cleanliness is essential and a positive thing. The difference between us and the Japanese is that they applied the principle of cleanliness while we were content with talking about it and preaching its importance only. And so on with many other morals. Application in Japan and talk in the Arab world (except for those whom God has mercy on, as the Arab world has positive models, thank God, but they are not so many that we can say that they are a phenomenon). This is what caught my attention in Japan, as these positives are not an exception among some people, but rather a general culture among the majority. I hope and pray to God that the ideas presented in this book will turn into practical applications in our Arab world, as there is no individual, regardless of his age, job or social status, who can not benefit from and apply one of the ideas presented here... Enjoy reading.
Keywords: Al-Obeikan Publishing, Ahmed Al-Shugairi, Ahmed Al-Shugairi
*Number of pages: 366
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: Paperback
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: 2019