When will our children's crying end?
50 Ideas to Reduce Your Baby's Crying
The child feels that his crying is a weapon with which he can defeat his parents, so he cries, screams and groans until his mother gives him what he wants. When the mother does that and is defeated by the child’s crying, she establishes in his mind a rule that says: Cry more, you win more...
Then the child learns that crying is his way to get what he wants in this life, and this is a great deception, and the cause of many psychological and social crises for children, adolescents, and even adults as well.
In order for you to succeed in dealing with your child’s crying wisely and creatively, we present to you in this book a practical guide that contains nearly fifty realistic and creative ideas and practical experiences to reduce children’s crying. The practical guide that we present in this book aims to:
(1) To teach your child practically that crying will not make you give him what he wants, and that screaming and whining will not achieve what he desires in life...
(2) To relieve yourself from the screaming and wailing of your children, and focus on raising and guiding them.
(3) Teach your child alternative ways to express his anger and distress other than whining and crying.
(4) To feel the sweetness of success in raising your child.
God willing, when you apply this guide with your crying child, you will certainly succeed in reducing the amount of his crying and groaning, and then we are certain that you will not forget us in your prayers...
Keywords: Dr. Abdullah Muhammad Abdul-Mut’i, Dar Amjad Hanin | Ibsar Center, Dar Amjad Hanin | Ibsar Center, Dar Amjad Hanin | Ibsar Center
*Number of pages: 142
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: Paperback
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: 2019