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يوميات دبدوب

Teddy Bear Diaries - Color and Learn

29 SEK
Teddy Bear Diaries - Color and Learn Keywords: -, Kids Land
حروفي العربية - بيت التلوين

My Arabic Letters - Coloring House

29 SEK
My Arabic Letters - Coloring House Teaching Arabic letters by coloring. Keywords: -, Kids Land
سلسلة أخلاقي وسلوكي

Ethical and Behavioral (4 Books)

99 SEK79 SEK
Ethical and Behavioral Series (4 Books) It consists of 4 books to teach children ablution, prayer, supplications, and some good morals and behaviors in a drawing manner. Keywords: -, Kids...
أخلاق الطفولة

Childhood Ethics (4 Books)

99 SEK
Childhood Ethics (4 Books) A collection of stories in a simplified style, with lofty goals for our dear children between 6-8 years old. The collection consists of 4 books. Keywords:...
أخلاق البراعم

Ethics of Buds (4 Books)

99 SEK
Ethics of Buds (4 Books) A collection of stories in a simplified style, with lofty goals for our dear children between 6-8 years old. The collection consists of 4 books....
واحة الأخلاق (4 كتب)

Oasis of Ethics (4 books)

99 SEK
Oasis of Ethics (4 books) A collection of stories in a simplified style, with lofty goals for our dear children between 6-8 years old. The collection consists of 4 books....
السلسلة القصصية الهادفة للصغار

The purposeful story series for children (4 books)

99 SEK
The purposeful story series for children (4 books) A collection of stories in a simplified style, with lofty goals for our dear children between 6-8 years old. The collection consists...
المواصلات - لون وامسح

Transportation - color and erase

39 SEK
Transportation - Color and erase 1000 times: The child uses erasable pens, so he can repeat the drawing several times, which enables him to learn in a fun way. Keywords:...
لعبة الحروف الإنكليزية

English letters game

49 SEK
English letters game An innovative and fun way for preschool children. Through it, the child is introduced to the English letters and the words and pictures they contain, which increases...
مصحف مجزأ - ختمة قرآنية

Partial Holy Quran with Luxury Leather Bag - Quran Khatmah 1/30

299 SEK
Partial Holy Quran with Luxury Leather Bag - Quran Khatmah 1/30 Holy Quran, size 17*24 cm, divided into 30/1 Luxury leather bag with handle. Narration: Hafs on the authority of...
أفضل كورس إنجليزي من القناة رقم 1 في العالم (المستوى الثالث)

The best English course from the No. 1 channel in the world (Level 3)

229 SEK
The best English course from the No. 1 channel in the world (Level 3) In this book, Ibrahim Adel takes you by the hand step by step to master the...
سلسلة أتعلم ألون أمرح

I Learn to Color and Have Fun Series (12 Books)

299 SEK
Color I Learn I Have Fun Series An educational series of 12 books, which combines benefit and entertainment. It develops the child's experiences and helps him learn Arabic, English and...