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كبسولات تربوية

Educational capsules

129 SEK
Educational capsules This book does not talk about academic theories and does not promise you an ideal life.. It will not take you by the hand to the ideal city.....
وصفات مجربات لتحصيل الخشوع في الصلاة

Proven recipes to achieve humility in prayer

129 SEK
Proven recipes to achieve humility in prayer This book is for those who yearn for their prayers to be a connection with their Creator and a closeness to their Maker,...
حكايات خالدة

Immortal tales

299 SEK
Immortal tales 16 Great Stories for All Ages Keywords: Dar Rabie Publishing
365 قصة

365 stories

249 SEK
365 stories This book is a new experience in children's literature, as it includes 365 short stories distributed throughout the months and days of the year. The mother can read...
حكايات قبل النوم 90 قصة

Bedtime Stories 90 Stories

99 SEK
Bedtime Stories 90 Stories Those interested in child-rearing believe that stories can be one of the most important educational methods that develop a child's mental awareness and guide his practical...
قصص من الأخلاق الإسلامية

Stories of Islamic morals

99 SEK
Stories of Islamic morals These stories are based on historical events and prophetic hadiths and are written in an interesting style to attract the child to the deep meanings they...
جزء عم - خط كبير

Part of the work - large line

69 SEK
Part of the work - large line Narrated by Hafs according to the reading of Imam Asim. The font is large and very suitable for our dear children, 8 lines...
القرآن الكريم وترجمة معانيه

The Holy Quran and its translation into English

299 SEK
The Holy Quran and its translation into English Keywords: -
سلسلة المستقبل / تعليم القراءة والكتابة - المستوى السادس

Future Series/Literacy - Level 6

299 SEK
Future Series for Teaching Arabic Language Reading and Writing Education - Level 6 An educational series with integrated elements, based on scientific foundations that meet the specifications of modern school...
سلسلة المستقبل / تعليم القراءة والكتابة - المستوى الخامس

Future Series/Literacy - Level 5

299 SEK
Future Series for Teaching Arabic Language Reading and Writing - Level 5 An educational series with integrated elements, based on scientific foundations that meet the specifications of modern school books....
سلسلة المستقبل / تعليم القراءة والكتابة - المستوى الرابع

Future Series/Literacy - Level 4

299 SEK
Future Series for Teaching Arabic Language Reading and Writing - Level 4 An educational series with integrated elements, based on scientific foundations that meet the specifications of modern school books....
سلسلة المستقبل / تعليم القراءة والكتابة - المستوى الثالث

Future Series/Teaching Reading and Writing - Level 3

279 SEK
Future Series for Teaching Arabic Language Reading and Writing Education - Level 3 An educational series with integrated elements, based on scientific foundations that meet the specifications of modern school...