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قصص الحروف العربية

Arabic Letters Stories (10 Books)

179 SEK
Arabic letters stories A preschool child needs simple methods through which he can learn the letters of the alphabet. One of the most successful and wonderful of these methods and...
النحو المبسط - دروس وتدريبات

Simplified Grammar - Lessons and Exercises

79 SEK
- Simplified Grammar - Lessons and Exercises: This book helps students understand and master the rules of Arabic grammar through a simple and clear explanation of the rules. With comprehensive...
النحو الميسر للمبتدئين

Simplified Grammar for Beginners (Part One)

129 SEK
Simplified Grammar for Beginners (Part One): God has honored the Arabic language with His Holy Quran. He has increased its eloquence upon eloquence, its clarity upon clarity, and its richness...
الأدوات السحرية لتعليم النحو

Magic tools for teaching grammar

399 SEK
Magic tools for teaching grammar: Grammar is a great science that distinguishes the rich Arabic language with its unique vocabulary among languages. It is an easy science for those who...