Bedtime Stories 90 Stories
Those interested in child-rearing believe that stories can be one of the most important educational methods that develop a child's mental awareness and guide his practical behavior, especially if they are accompanied by illustrative pictures. This collection is divided into four parts according to the seasons of the year, and in each part there are ninety stories, a child can read one of them every day. They are selected from the environment in which the child lives, and the reality that he understands with his innate senses and open perceptions. We have been keen for these stories to have educational goals that build the child's personality, satisfy his need for fun, and his desire to discover, in a simplified style, easy phrases, and understandable language.
Keywords: Dar Rabi Publishing, Kenina Diab
*Number of pages: 90
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: technical
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: