Tales of the alphabet with the prophets
In this book, we present with each story an educational value and a practical idea, so that it leaves a faith and educational imprint in the child’s heart and mind. If he holds a pen, he remembers the pen of Zechariah, peace be upon him, and feels the importance of reading and writing. If he sits at the table, he remembers the table that descended from heaven as a miracle for Jesus, peace be upon him, and thanks God for this blessing. When he receives guests, he remembers the guest of Abraham, peace be upon him, and his honoring of them. When he feels afraid, he remembers the fear of Moses, peace be upon him, so his heart is reassured and he treats his fear by resorting to God. Through the story of Abraham’s supplication, peace be upon him, he loves supplication and strives to seek knowledge, following the example of Joshua bin Nun, peace be upon him, and asks God to grant him knowledge like Abraham, peace be upon him. When he is sick, he repeats the supplication of Job, peace be upon him: “My Lord, adversity has touched me, and You are the Most Merciful of the merciful.” In hardships, he supplicates with the supplication of Jonah, peace be upon him: “There is no god but You, glory be to You, indeed I was among the wrongdoers.” Thus, the child is connected to the lives of the prophets through the stories and the educational values and practical ideas they contain, and he remembers the prophets whenever he looks. Here or there, he strives to emulate them (in accordance with his age and abilities), and he longs to meet them in the afterlife, God willing.
Keywords: Dr. Abdullah Mohammed Abdel-Moati, Ebsar Center, Ebsar Center
*Number of pages: 64
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: Paperback
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