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رخصة القيادة التربوية

Educational driving license

229 SEK
Educational Driving License - 6th Edition In this guide, we will learn together new, simplified skills that are easy to implement and practice within the family. Let us work together...
أركان الإسلام والإيمان ( 10 كتب)

Pillars of Islam and Faith (10 Books)

199 SEK
Pillars of Islam and Faith (10 Books) Islam is based on several pillars, which are signs of faith in God. Through this series, we explain these pillars, so that the...
ياسمين العودة

Jasmine Al-Awda

179 SEK
Yasmine Al-Awda The Key to Return “It wasn’t just a legend, that story of the keys! It was real”… We keep the key and the old photos… and we pledge...
في قلبي أنثى عبرية

In my heart is a Hebrew woman

179 SEK
In my heart is a Hebrew woman In the heart of the Jewish quarter in southern Tunisia, events intertwine around an orphaned Muslim woman who was raised in the arms...
علبة سجادة مع مسبحة ومصحف

Prayer Rug with Rosary and Quran - Olive

149 SEK
Prayer rug with rosary A thick round cardboard box with a special design. Inside it is an Ottoman prayer rug, a 99-bead rosary, and a 5*5cm Quran. Rug size: 70...
لعبة الحروف العربية المقطعة

Arabic letters game

149 SEK
Arabic letters game Age group: 3 - 6 years Put the word together with the picture. 112 pieces of cardboard, to teach the child Arabic letters and words in a...
صحيح مسلم sahih muslim

Sahih Muslim

499 SEK
Sahih Muslim Second Edition 2020 It is the most trusted book of hadith after Sahih al-Bukhari and contains 7563 hadiths. Muslim scholars agree that the hadiths in Sahih Muslim are...
معارفي الممتعة - الأشكال

My fun acquaintances - shapes

59 SEK
My fun acquaintances - shapes An educational series made of cardboard, enriching the knowledge of children from 1 to 3 years old, supporting their developmental skills, and contributing to increasing...
الحيوانات الأليفة


29 SEK
Pets: 9 ID cards, size 15*22 cm. Keywords: Dar Janat Al Atfal Publishing and Distribution, -, Dar Janat Al Atfal Publishing and Distribution
محمد الرسول السياسي

Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, the political messenger

59 SEK
Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, the political messenger Written by Mohamed Amara He responds to the secularists who say that Islam is secular, and who claim...
الرسول المعلم وأساليبه في التعليم

The Messenger the Teacher and His Methods of Teaching

179 SEK
The Messenger the Teacher and His Methods of Teaching These lofty words and blessed hadiths were originally a public lecture. They were my response to a request from the administration...
الرؤية الإسلامية للخدمة الإنسانية

Islamic vision of humanitarian service

99 SEK
Islamic vision of humanitarian service Keywords: Sheikh Sayed Jalaluddin Al-Omari, Dar Wahi Al-Qalam