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تعلم الحروف العربية - المستوى الأول

Learn Arabic Letters - Level 1

99 SEK
Learn Arabic Letters - Level 1 In this book, the child will learn all the Arabic letters. Each letter is on a separate page supported by a cartoon image, beloved...
لعبة الحروف العربية المقطعة

Arabic letters game

149 SEK
Arabic letters game Age group: 3 - 6 years Put the word together with the picture. 112 pieces of cardboard, to teach the child Arabic letters and words in a...
حروفي العربية - بيت التلوين

My Arabic Letters - Coloring House

29 SEK
My Arabic Letters - Coloring House Teaching Arabic letters by coloring. Keywords: -, Kids Land
الحروف العربية المغناطيسية

Magnetic Arabic Letters

79 SEK
Magnetic Arabic letters: Teaching children Arabic letters in a fun and attractive way. It can be stuck on the fridge or any metal plate. Keywords: Dar Al Manhal
بطاقات الحروف العربية

Arabic alphabet cards

79 SEK
Arabic alphabet cards: A set of colorful cards that help children learn Arabic letters in a fun and entertaining way. The cards are made of cardboard and are therefore suitable...
سلسلة اكتب وامسح -مستوى أول- الحروف العربية

Write and Erase Series - Level 1 - Arabic Letters

79 SEK
Write and Erase Series - Level 1 - Arabic Letters It consists of a letter and a picture that begins with the same letter. The child uses erasable pen to...
قصص الحروف العربية

Arabic Letters Stories (10 Books)

179 SEK
Arabic letters stories A preschool child needs simple methods through which he can learn the letters of the alphabet. One of the most successful and wonderful of these methods and...
سجادة الحروف العربية

Arabic letters carpet

149 SEK
Arabic letters carpet For children aged 3 and above (the product is not suitable for children under 3 years old because it contains letter dots which are small parts). Number...
لعبة تركيب الحروف والكلمات

Letter and word combination game

149 SEK
Composition of letters and words Educational media play a major role in the educational process, whether in schools or homes, as they help arouse the student’s interest and satisfy his...
الأحرف العربية

Arabic letters

69 SEK
Arabic letters Age group: 3 - 6 years Keywords: Dar Itqan for Publishing and Distribution, Dar Itqan for Publishing and Distribution
مواضع الحروف

Arabic letter positions

99 SEK
Arabic letter positions 28 engaging, colorful, double-sided flashcards. Through it, the child learns the positions and shapes of all Arabic letters. The child can write on the back of the...
الحروف العربية المغناطيسية - قطع كبيرة

Magnetic Arabic Letters - Large Pieces

349 SEK
Magnetic Arabic Letters - Large Pieces Age group: 3 years and up 1- Large Arabic letters, suitable for schools, kindergartens and associations. 2- The complete set of Arabic letters in...