Quran teacher explained recitation
(Narrated by Hafs on the authority of Asim, in the Ottoman script)
On the margin is an interpretation of the words of the Holy Quran by Sheikh Hassanein Muhammad Makhlouf.
Endorsed by the refinement of the reasons for revelation by Imam al-Wahidi.
Illumination in explaining the principles of reading by Sheikh Ali Muhammad Al-Dabaa.
Complete rules for the recitation of the Holy Quran by Sheikh Abdul Wahhab Al-Hafez.
Review and proofreading by Professor Marwan Nour El-Din Suwar Al-Jami’ for the Ten Readings from the Shatibiyyah, Al-Durrah, and Al-Tayyiba paths.
Keywords: Dar Al Fajr Al Islami, -, Dar Al Fajr Al Islami
*Number of pages: 604
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: technical
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: 2018