Summary of Al-Nabulsi's interpretation
The Holy Quran is guidance, clarification, admonition, proof, light, insight, reminder, notification, promise, threat, good tidings and a warner. It guides to the truth, to right guidance and to a straight path. It brings people out of darkness into the light, by permission of their Lord, to the path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy, and it judges between people concerning that over which they differ.
It contains an explanation of everything. It is a cure for what is in the hearts. Accordingly, this book comes as a summary of the interpretation of the Holy Quran (contemplating the verses of Allah the Almighty in the soul, the universe and life) suitable for the general public, and in its margin is the Quranic page. This summary is not an interpretation of words, as it is broader than that, but at the same time it is not an interpretation of the verses that investigates their meanings and the sayings of the interpreters about them, but rather it is a contemplation of the verses of the Holy Quran so that the reader understands the meaning of the verse he is reading with a general understanding, and this allows him a wide scope to continue contemplating and understanding. If he wants to expand his understanding of a verse, he must return to the original interpretation. The author has shown that this interpretation originally contains about a thousand lessons in the interpretation of the Holy Quran, most of which were given in the Sheikh Abdul Ghani al-Nabulsi Mosque in Damascus forty years ago.
Keywords: Muhammad Rateb Al-Nabulsi, Al-Fursan Foundation
*Number of pages: 614
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: technical
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: 2019