365 days with the companions of our beloved Prophet
This book aims to make children feel as if the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) is a visitor in our homes, and to spend enjoyable and unforgettable times reading it. It has been prepared in such a way that it can be read daily for one year. Thus, 365 stories from the life of our beloved Prophet were selected in chronological order. We address our book to parents to say: We encourage you to read the stories with your children from day one until day 365, so that you too can learn about the life of the Messenger of Allah.
Since children may have difficulty following along for long periods of time, we recommend that you read one story each day. This allows children to think about the story and will make them curious and excited to hear the next story. Your children may find some texts difficult to understand due to new vocabulary. For this reason, we encourage you to supervise them while they read and answer their questions to ensure they understand the story.
In addition, you can benefit from the themes raised in the story, such as generosity, loyalty, hospitality, honesty, kindness, and mercy that the Messenger of Allah and his companions (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) dealt with. Use these ideals and high morals to instill them in your children. We hope that our book will contribute to shaping the character and morals of this generation through the upright and great character of our beloved Prophet.
Keywords: Arab House for Science Publishers, Taha Kilinc
*Number of pages: 440
Number of parts:
Language: Arab
Binding: technical
Written/Prepared by:
Publication Year: