ثلاثية غرناطة

Granada Trilogy

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Granada Trilogy

A novel trilogy consisting of three novels by the Egyptian writer Radwa Ashour, which are: Granada - Mariam - The Departure.

The events take place in the Kingdom of Granada after the fall of all the Islamic kingdoms in Andalusia. The events of the trilogy begin in 1491, the year in which Granada fell with the announcement of the treaty by which Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Saghir, the last king of Granada, relinquished his kingdom to the kings of Castile and Aragon. It ends with the last of its living heroes violating the decision to deport the Muslims when he discovers that death lies in leaving Andalusia and not in staying.

In this novel, the writer narrated the story of a Granadan family, whose members ranged from grandfather to grandson. Through this, she was able to accurately describe the social, political, and religious circumstances that the Andalusians experienced after the fall of their homelands. The author also excelled in formulating the psychological state of the Andalusians who remained in their country after what they suffered from injustice, oppression, the obliteration of identity, and the deprivation of practicing their most basic human rights. This was done by depicting the emotions and feelings of the novel’s heroes, who passed away one by one in each chapter, as if Ashour embodied the story of Andalusia in them with the fall of the cities that followed one after the other.

"It makes the facts of history rise up before us, hot and gushing." Ali Al-Ra'i
"Adding Value to the Arabic Novel" Mahmoud Amin Al-Alem
"Language in Granada is memory. Hence this great celebration of the majesty of the language, its sobriety, its rhythm, and its poetry. Hence this vast dictionary, with its multiple purposes in narration and description together." Latifa Al-Zayat
“When the writer leaves room for her imagination, she writes real literature that has never been written before.” Salah Fadl
“Women’s writing enters the field of historical novels with a comprehensive trilogy, after Naguib Mahfouz’s trilogy remained a unique work in this field for many years.” Sabry Hafez
“When one finishes reading Granada, one must feel a shiver running down his spine.” Farida Al-Naqqash

Keywords: Radwa Ashour, Dar Al Shorouk

Additional information

Dimensions: 200 mm * 140 mm

Number of pages: 537

Number of parts: 1

Language: Arab

Binding: Paperback

Written/Prepared by:

  • Radwa Ashour

Publication Year: 2022


  • Dar Al Shorouk