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أتعلم وألون الحروف العربية

I learn and color Arabic letters

89 SEK49 SEK
I learn and color Arabic letters It aims to teach the child at an early age the Arabic letters and their most famous meanings through a colouring activity that the...
كبسولات تربوية

Educational capsules

129 SEK
Educational capsules This book does not talk about academic theories and does not promise you an ideal life.. It will not take you by the hand to the ideal city.....
وصفات مجربات لتحصيل الخشوع في الصلاة

Proven recipes to achieve humility in prayer

129 SEK
Proven recipes to achieve humility in prayer This book is for those who yearn for their prayers to be a connection with their Creator and a closeness to their Maker,...
حكايات خالدة

Immortal tales

299 SEK
Immortal tales 16 Great Stories for All Ages Keywords: Dar Rabie Publishing
365 قصة

365 stories

249 SEK
365 stories This book is a new experience in children's literature, as it includes 365 short stories distributed throughout the months and days of the year. The mother can read...
حكايات قبل النوم 90 قصة

Bedtime Stories 90 Stories

119 SEK
Bedtime Stories 90 Stories Those interested in child-rearing believe that stories can be one of the most important educational methods that develop a child's mental awareness and guide his practical...
حكايات ما قبل النوم

bedtime stories

79 SEK49 SEK
bedtime stories The collection consists of four stories: 1- The arrogant Ajrouf 2- Blind imitation 3- The stubborn snail 4- The Ant's Children Keywords: Dar Al Manhal, Fatoun Al Saidi
مصغر الحديث النبوي المصور للأطفال

Illustrated Hadith for Children (4 Books)

99 SEK49 SEK
Miniature illustrated hadith for children This collection contains a fragrant bouquet of authentic hadiths extracted from the Holy Book. (Illustrated Hadith for Children) We present some sound educational values ​​and...
قصص من الأخلاق الإسلامية

Stories of Islamic morals

99 SEK
Stories of Islamic morals These stories are based on historical events and prophetic hadiths and are written in an interesting style to attract the child to the deep meanings they...
سلسلة قصص غراس (حياتي)

Grass Stories Series (My Life)

99 SEK79 SEK
Grass Stories Series (My Life) The collection consists of 4 educational stories for children, in a simple and interesting style for the child. Smart hedgehog tall tree Cooperation is better...
365 يوم مع صحابة نبينا الحبيب

365 days with the companions of our beloved Prophet

449 SEK
365 days with the companions of our beloved Prophet This book aims to make children feel as if the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) is a visitor in our homes, and...
قواعد الإملاء

Spelling rules

89 SEK69 SEK
Spelling rules After the child has mastered reading well, it is time to spell. Spelling rules are a means of correcting the pen and correcting the writing from errors. The...