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القرآن تدبر وعمل

Quran contemplation and action

349 SEK299 SEK
Quran contemplation and action An integrated, well-established and specialized curriculum for training in contemplating the Holy Qur’an and acting upon it, according to the methodology of the People of the...
سلسلة الأخلاق والآداب

Ethics and Manners Series - Etiquette of Eating and Sleeping

89 SEK
Eating and sleeping etiquette The series of ethics and morals relied on the language of familiarity and love in the mother’s dealings with her two children, Ahmed and Sarah. To...
تأملات قصيرة جداً

Very short reflections

99 SEK
Very short reflections Very short reflections by Adham Sharqawi... who wrote the letter, put it in a bottle, and then deposited it in the sea, knew that the sea does...
قواعد جارتين

Two neighbors rules

179 SEK
Two neighbors rules Written by Amr Abdel Hamid... What if you found yourself in a land where the maximum you can reach is fifty years? This is not the only...
خمسون قانونًا للحب

Fifty Laws of Love

229 SEK199 SEK
Fifty Laws of Love Written by Adham Sharqawi... Love is strange, by God it is strange! A delicate eyelash may kill a brave knight. It acts on him like sharp...
بناء شخصية الطفل- الجانب النفسي

Building the Child's Personality - The Psychological Aspect (7 Books)

199 SEK
Building the Child's Personality - The Psychological Aspect (7 Books) Suitable for ages 4 - 8 years The Child Personality Building Series - “The Psychological Side” consists of 7 books:...
مكتبتي الأولى

My first library

299 SEK
My first library It is an integrated box for the child that contains: - 10 small educational books suitable for a child's hand, books about letters, words, colors... - It...
حروف الهجاء مع الصحابة

Alphabet stories with the companions

99 SEK
Alphabet stories with the companions How wonderful it is for a child to begin his educational journey by learning about the companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and...
حكايات قبل النوم 90 قصة

Bedtime Stories 90 Stories

119 SEK
Bedtime Stories 90 Stories Those interested in child-rearing believe that stories can be one of the most important educational methods that develop a child's mental awareness and guide his practical...
مصغر الحديث النبوي المصور للأطفال

Illustrated Hadith for Children (4 Books)

99 SEK
Miniature illustrated hadith for children This collection contains a fragrant bouquet of authentic hadiths extracted from the Holy Book. (Illustrated Hadith for Children) We present some sound educational values ​​and...
الحيوانات البرية

Wild animals

59 SEK39 SEK
Wild animals Age group: 1-3 years Books made of cardboard, enrich the knowledge of children from 1 to 3 years old, support their developmental skills, contribute to increasing the linguistic...
جزء تبارك - خط كبير

Blessed Part - Large Font

69 SEK
Blessed Part - Large Font Narrated by Hafs according to the reading of Imam Asim. The font is large and very suitable for our dear children, 8 lines per page....