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قصص النبيين

Stories of the Prophets for Youth

129 SEK
Stories of the Prophets for Youth This book is by Sheikh Abu Al-Hasan Al-Nadwi, and it contains a presentation of a group of stories of the prophets, peace be upon...
مشروع الابن الرباني

God Son Project

129 SEK
God Son Project Reda El Masry “The Divine Son Project” is one of a series of books by the writer “Reda Al-Masry” that aims to guide parents towards the correct...
تحدي الأذكياء - قصص الأنبياء

Smart Challenge - Stories of the Prophets

59 SEK
Smart Challenge - Stories of the Prophets Smart Challenge Competitions, an educational deck of cards, in the form of questions and answers. The box contains 50 cards made of cardboard....
السيرة النبوية دروس وعبر

Biography of the Prophet

99 SEK
The Biography of the Prophet (Lessons and Morals) by Dr. Mustafa al-Siba’i. How beautiful it is to delve into the biography of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant...


89 SEK
The Adolescent - How to Understand Him and How to Guide Him (Rational Parenting, Part 4) Written by Dr. Abdul Karim Bakkar This section is dedicated to talking about adolescence,...
التواصل الأسري

Family communication

79 SEK
Family Communication - How to Protect Our Families from Breaking Up (Good Parenting, Part 3) Written by Dr. Abdul Karim Bakkar In this message, we would like to present some...
كلمة الله

Word of God

159 SEK
Word of God: Love knows no age, does not recognize religion, and does not stand before ready-made gates, no matter how deaf they are. No dam in the world can...
عندما التقيت عمر بن الخطاب

When I met Omar bin Al-Khattab

199 SEK
When I met Omar bin Al-Khattab He was twenty-six when the call of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, struck him in his heart: O God,...
من روائع حضارتنا

From the masterpieces of our civilization

139 SEK
From the masterpieces of our civilization This book, written by Mustafa al-Siba’i, includes hadiths that represent examples of wonderful aspects of Islamic civilization. While Western civilization dazzles the emerging Muslim...
بناء ذاكرة ولدك

Building your child's memory

179 SEK
Building your child's memory; how to build his learning and memory abilities? Many parents in societies are surprised and confused by what they see of their children’s poor academic performance....
المراودة عن النفس


149 SEK
Self-indulgence This book by Dr. Ahmed Al-Abyad is classified in the field of women and family. It reveals the deteriorating state of the world and contemporary Western society - especially...
السحاب الأحمر

red cloud

99 SEK
red cloud A book that combines the beauty of words and the harmony of expression. In it, the writer Mustafa Sadiq Al-Rafei expresses his feelings and emotions, with a pen...